The stats of liquor industry are showing increasing trends on daily basis. Some people consider liquor as completely alcoholic drinks or alcohol. All things those contain alcoholic substance are considered as liquor and the portion of alcohol doesn’t matter. If you want to do trade or deal with these types of drinks or alcoholic beverages then you should need to take Liquor License first. It is the form of permit that is given by the government for selling these beverages openly. In case you are running a restaurant and offering the alcoholic substances to customers then apply for the license.
Types of liquor licenses
There are different types of licenses provided by the government or liquor board. The type of license depends on the nature of your business and allied activities. If you want to sell liquor in the restaurants or hotels then you need to apply for on-license. In case you are commencing a liquor store at which you are selling only alcoholic beverages or other drinks then you need another type of liquor license. From the upcoming points you are able to get information about the types of licenses.
License for restaurant – when you are applying for this particular license type at that time you need to face some limits. The permission or approval of license and all terms & conditions are based on the earning percentage from liquor in the total income of restaurant. Mainly the percentage limit is around 40%.
Wine & beer license – if you want to sell drinks those do not contain lots of alcoholic components or substances then you need this license. According to the research report the level alcohol in wine & beer is too low.
Tavern license – in case alcohol is the base of your business or main earning source then should apply for it.
forsyth county
December 28, 2017